Protecting Children and Older Adults on the Internet (A Retired CISO’s – Gryphon Skip to content

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Protecting Children and Older Adults on the Internet (A Retired CISO’s Perspective)

Written by: John Wu / September 06, 2024


In today’s digitally connected world, the Internet is an indispensable tool for both the young and the old. It provides children with access to educational resources, entertainment, and the ability to communicate with peers, parents, and distant relatives.  It enables older adults to stay in touch with loved ones and manage shopping, healthcare, finances, etc. from the comfort and safety of their homes.

However, this access comes with significant risks, especially for those who do not fully grasp the dangers lurking online. Sadly, many digital natives are also digitally naïve

Naive internet usage can expose children and elderly parents to a host of cyber threats, including identity theft, exposure to inappropriate content, phishing attacks, fraud, and even malicious software that can compromise their devices and steal personal information.

As parents, it is natural to want to shield your children from harm, just as you wish to protect older adults and elderly parents from the vulnerabilities that come with aging.

The Gryphon router, paired with its Premium Protection Service, offers a robust solution that combines advanced cybersecurity features with ease of use, ensuring that your loved ones are safe online—whether they are learning, playing, or just staying connected.


The Risks of Naive Internet Usage

For children, the Internet can be a playground filled with educational games and videos. However, without proper supervision, they can easily stumble upon inappropriate content or fall victim to online predators. Children often lack the experience to recognize scams or phishing attempts, making them easy targets for cybercriminals.

Similarly, older adults and elderly parents, who may not have grown up with technology, can be particularly vulnerable to sophisticated scams, fraudulent emails, and websites designed to steal their personal information.

In both cases, the consequences can be devastating. A child’s exposure to harmful content can have lasting psychological effects, while an older adult’s compromised financial information can lead to financial ruin.

The key to preventing these scenarios is proactive monitoring and protection—something that Gryphon excels at providing.

Enterprise-Like Internet Security for Families

Large enterprises spend millions of dollars on cybersecurity professionals, processes, and technologies to protect their data and networks from attacks.

They employ teams of experts who monitor their systems 24/7, using the latest technology to detect and neutralize threats before they cause harm.

This level of protection has traditionally been out of reach for the average family—until now.

Gryphon’s router, combined with its Premium Protection Service, brings enterprise-like security to your home at a tiny fraction of the cost.

It is like having your own cybersecurity team working around the clock to keep your family safe.

With features like real-time content filtering, automatic updates, and malware protection, Gryphon shields your loved ones from online threats, giving you the same peace of mind that large corporations enjoy.


Continuous Monitoring and Risk Reduction

One of the most significant advantages of Gryphon is its 24/7 monitoring service, which ensures that your network is continuously protected against new and evolving threats.

Unlike traditional antivirus software that only reacts after a threat is detected, Gryphon’s proactive approach reduces the risk of cyberattacks by blocking malicious sites and filtering harmful content before it can ever reach your family’s devices.

For parents of young children, this means you can feel confident knowing that Gryphon is keeping inappropriate content and online predators at bay.

For children of elderly parents, Gryphon’s robust protection means you do not have to worry as much about your parents falling victim to scams or having their sensitive information stolen.


Affordable Peace of Mind

One of many things that sets Gryphon apart from other home cybersecurity solutions is its affordability.

The protection it offers is similar to what large enterprises use, but at a price that makes it accessible for families. For a small fraction of what companies spend on cybersecurity, you can secure your home network and protect your loved ones from the myriad dangers of the Internet.

The Gryphon solution is so effective that it is being adopted by some major network service providers to protect their own networks and employees. In the future the Gryphon solution may even be incorporated directly into the services that network providers supply to their customers!

In Summary

In an age where the Internet is both a powerful tool and a potential threat, it is essential to take steps to protect those who may not fully understand the dangers they face.

  • Gryphon is not just a router; it is a 24/7 home cybersecurity solution.
  • Due to the Internet threats mentioned, subscribing to a solution like Gryphon is not a luxury any more —it is a necessity.
  • The Gryphon router and Premium Protection Service offer an affordable yet comprehensive solution that brings enterprise-level security into your own home or home office.
  • With 24/7 monitoring and proactive risk reduction, Gryphon ensures that your Internet connections are monitored around the clock, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of the digital world with a greatly reduced risk of cyber threats.
  • For families with young children, older adults and elderly parents, Gryphon is more than just a router—it is a 24/7 guardian in the digital age.


      About the Author

      Dennis Devlin is a retired CISO with five decades of accomplishment leading enterprise information risk management programs in major research universities and global corporations. He has built and led teams that delivered highly successful enterprise initiatives and programs in information security, digital privacy, identity management, electronic messaging, business continuity and emergency notification. Dennis is a Distinguished Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, was a Contributing Author for “Security 2020: Reduce Security Risks This Decade” and is currently Consumer Security Evangelist for Gryphon.