Beyond the Router: Meet the Team – Gryphon Skip to content

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Beyond the Router: Meet the Team

Written by: Isabelle Rupani / February 18, 2021

As much as we’d like to boast otherwise, our routers aren’t a catch-all solution to every issue—rather, they’re a tool in your arsenal to help you navigate the sticky, ever-evolving world of technology. Our tech problems are changing and growing all the time. Children are being introduced to screens at earlier and earlier ages. COVID has moved our business and education experiences to the digital realm without us really comprehending what goes on there. The most effective way to combat these issues is really with information: You can’t solve a problem if you don’t understand it in the first place. 
This blog exists to provide that information. We’ll write what we know from years of tech experience. We’ll do the research on emerging issues and condense everything so you don’t have to struggle under a mountain of technical jargon. We hope that this can be your go-to site for understanding how to protect yourself and your family from online threats. Helping people with their digital experiences is what Gryphon set out to do, and our work here is an extension of that. 
The individuals on our team operate from a wide variety of perspectives and experiences. Digital parenting and cybersecurity are important to all of us for different reasons, but always on a personal level. We think these issues matter—that’s why we’re here. We wanted to introduce ourselves so that you could get an idea of where we’re coming from and what we can offer you. We hope that, with time, we can become more familiar with our readers too, and work together to better curate the content that you want and need. 

Allan Chua, Director of Marketing

Allan has personal experience with the difficulties of digital parenting

When my son was eight years old, he had an encounter with adult content online. It was completely heartbreaking. I felt like the moment he saw what he saw, a part of the innocence of his childhood was lost and we could never get it back.
I reviewed his browsing history and saw that he was not looking for any of it. Just by being a kid doing kid stuff online, he saw things no kid his age should see. It was at this point I realized that when it comes to protecting our kids online, we need to be vigilant. We need to assume that they will come across things they shouldn’t see if we don’t do anything about it. Not doing something to prevent it absolutely makes me, as his parent, a serious part of the problem.  
In the process of searching for solutions, I found Gryphon through their Kickstarter campaign even before I ever met John and Arup. Amazingly, less than one year after the tragic incident with my son, I found myself on the marketing and business development side of the company. 
Gryphon is also important to me because, while I love technology and feel able to wield all the benefits and opportunities it presents, this is not the case with my family. We can control our entire house by voice and even my BBQ grill has a WiFi connection—but my family doesn’t have the same comfort with tech. They don’t feel safe with it. I can see through the digital dynamics of my family that there’s a tremendous need to give people the power to feel safe within the technology that runs their lives.

Tara Langager, Social Media Manager

Tara grew up in the transition period of digital parenting

My parents had to learn to navigate the uncharted territory of what we now call digital parenting alone. Their version of parental controls was simply unplugging and hiding the router. I know now how helpless they felt trying to protect their children—even in those days, the Internet seemed like a force that could not be tamed.

It still does, and parents still feel a sense of urgency to protect their children’s safety. Thankfully, today there are more resources available to protect them from online threats, and Gryphon is among them.
I’ve had the opportunity to speak with countless families who tried every type of parental control product, only to have their child bypass each one—except for Gryphon. We provide families with a product that not only protects their children but restores their sense of peace and safety, and that’s something I want to share with every family.
As we launch this blog, I look forward to offering parents a fresh new look and approach to digital parenting.  With the perspective of someone who has navigated the world of a digitally connected childhood, and understands the struggles for both children and parents, I hope I can provide you with a unique set of tools to help you and your family. 
Our goal is to empower parents by providing them with the most up-to-date trends and threats facing digital infrastructure. This space requires parents to always remain two steps ahead of their children. We want to foster an environment that encourages an open dialogue between parents. Technology is ever-evolving—there will always be a new source of danger and new obstacles to overcome—but not having to do it alone is a great reassurance.

Isabelle Rupani, Content Writer

I’ve been online since the age of eight, and as a child was constantly overriding my parents’ attempts to control my screen time. Now I’m struggling to monitor my own young brother as he enters a digital world that’s much more complicated and manipulative than the one I knew.

My experiences, along with those of my peers, have provided me with an intimate insight into young people’s messy, psychological relationship with the Internet. I’m familiar with the ways it can help and the ways it can hinder. I’ve learned that parents are often worried about the wrong things: For instance, making a toxic friend of the same age is much more probable than entering into a relationship with a predator, and the growing pressure to excel at and monetize hobbies can smother your child’s creativity much more thoroughly than a little online gaming.
As much as I want to warn you about the dangers of the Internet, I also want to help you see the ways in which it is valuable. I want you to understand how your children perceive it, and how you can alleviate their resentment of how you monitor their lives online. I love kids and I want to help you protect yours while also protecting your relationship with them. I know how fragile that connection can be, especially in their adolescence, and I don’t want any misconceptions about their experience to be what severs it.
I find that Gryphon makes some of the most stressful parts of digital parenting easier, so that you can focus on what really matters. I hope that through my research and experience I can help you ensure that your child has a healthy relationship with themselves, with their devices, and with the world around them.

Dennis Devlin, Consumer Security Advocate

Dennis is a cybersecurity advocate

I have been working with computers and networks ever since I was a student at UPenn in the 1960s. I spent my career managing information technology, security, and privacy at large international corporations such as Thomson (now Thomson-Reuters), and higher learning institutions like Harvard, Brandeis, and George Washington University. For most of my career, computer and network risks were something that institutions worried about. They hired professionals like me to make sure that computing and network technology risks were identified, understood, managed, and minimized.

Since then, the world of computers has changed dramatically. The responsibilities for identifying, understanding, managing, and minimizing technology risk have largely shifted from institutions to the individual consumer. This shift has been exacerbated by COVID-19 and almost no one is fully equipped to handle it, though these risks affect everyone: parents, business owners, employees, students.
I learned of the Gryphon Guardian while my daughter was searching for a way to protect my granddaughters on the Internet. The product intrigued me, and the more I learned about Gryphon the more impressed I became. I have worked with technology all my life. Technologists like me expect (and too often enjoy) complexity and detailed jargon. But I found extraordinarily little of that. Instead, I found a network security solution that seemed to be written for consumers and parents to empower them to identify, understand and manage the people and devices connected to their home networks, and by doing so minimize many of the risks. Moreover, Gryphon is not just a product, but a service that combines anti-malware protection and the rapid detection of anomalies. 
I was so impressed that I contacted the founder, John Wu, and asked how I might be able to help. The rest, as they say is history.